Lock Down 4.0 – Stay Healthy

Now that we are heading towards lock down 4.0, it may seem to us that life is going to get back to normal as the lock-down is going to be eased out in most of the locations, though malls, cinemas, bus, local trains are most likely to remain shut.  Gyms might me the last on the list to open. Many essential shops may open and some movement may be allowed, so does that mean you can move out freely? No absolutely not! In fact you have to remember that now you are on your own … if you don’t take care of yourself you are most likely to catch the virus. The virus is not going to disappear. Take care of yourself and your family

Maintain social distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands with soap and water frequently. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth this is from where the virus enters in your respiratory tract, So take extreme precautions to protect them… Go out only if necessary. Follow the guide lines given by the Government, it is for your own benefit.

Above all Focus on your Lifestyle – strengthen your body’s immune system, the only remedy for survival.

Eat well, Sleep well, Exercise. Stay healthy by eating the right kind of foods. Don’t overeat, follow a fixed routine daily – sleep, eat at a fixed time. 

Tips to boost your immunity

Lemon Juice (Every Morning on empty stomach)

Basil (Tulsi Leaves) – Ginger extract in warm water.

Turmeric in Warm water

Eat more of Citrus fruits (Contains Vitamin C )


Vegetable Soups, Salads, Sprouts, Nuts in small amount

Eat a well-balanced meal – Only Satvic Ahar

Stay Hydrated, Drink plenty of water.


White sugar in any form – Tea, coffee, biscuit, chocolate, soft-drinks, ice-cream, sweets, cakes

Maida – Puri, Samosa, bread, burger, pizza, Chinese, pasta, toast, khari, nan, rumali roti

Hydrogenated Oil – Toast, Khari, patties, sweets etc

Fried items – Pakoda, bhajia, samosa, chips etc

Extra White Salt – Pickles, papad, fried items, chat etc

Negative thinking diminishes the immune system, Immunity power can be maintained by keeping the mind calm with positive thinking, giving positive affirmations to self and by regular practice of Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation.

Achieve, Natural Health with Yoga

To know more on Diet plans and personalized Yogic programmes, get in touch with us.

Email: naturalhealthwithyoga@gmail.com

Image by silviarita from Pixabay