Yoga Nidra | Shavasana | Chaitanyasana

Namaste #Stayhome #withme Shavasana it relaxes the whole body and the mind and rejuvenates the entire personality. It is a powerful remedy against insomnia. It is a very powerful preventive and curative measure for heart ailment, blood pressure, physical- mental stress and all disorders. #yoga #guidedmeditation #naturalhealthwithyoga

aRe YoU HaPpY?

Happiness is the most elusive thing in today’s life. Everyone wants to be happy right? Everyone has the right to be happy! Our happiness and unhappiness depends, to a great extent on ourselves. Each person is a creation of his own thoughts. He becomes what he feels about himself. Hence, …

Snacking Healthy

Diet plays an important part in our daily fitness routine. Try to adapt natural raw foods in your daily routine. Go back to nature, go back to natural living. This is a very healthy snack you can have for breakfast or a mid-day snack. Very nutritious and rich in fiber. …

Lemon shot

Begin your day with a lemon shot or lemon juice in warm water. Do not add honey, sugar or salt. Lemon juice is said to be a healthy drink with disease fighting properties. Lemon has an acidic pH before it is digested. However, once it is fully digested & metabolized …

Age Gracefully with Yoga: Preventive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Treatments for a Healthy and Happy Life

Welcome to Natural Health with Yoga! Our goal is to make yoga accessible to everyone, especially commoners who may be struggling. We believe that yoga, natural living, and naturopathy can play a significant role in preventing, curative, and rehabilitative treatments for various problems associated with ageing, helping people achieve successful …

A take on Diet in Natural Living

                                                    Nowadays each and every person is talking healthy, the word healthy is becoming more stressful. People want to lose weight, they follow different diets.  Some work and some don’t. The same diet doesn’t work for everyone . Every body is different.  What works for Mr X won’t work …


Vrikshasana – The Tree Pose, is a remarkable Asana for improving balance. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit words Vriksha (meaning tree) and Asana (meaning a posture). This asana, where your leg takes charge as the roots of a tree, expresses  the essence of a deep-rooted tree which denotes …

Importance of yoga for the digestive system

It is said that the stomach is the origin of most illnesses. We tend to over eat and as a result our body turns out to be rebellion; manifesting common digestive disorders like indigestion, flatulence, gas trouble etc. Our wrong notions about hygeine also cause problems like Gastritis, Diarrhea, Dysentery …